Gate & Bar Launch

We are really pleased to have coverage of our launch in both The York Press and The Business Desk.

The Business Desk

The Press

Gate & Bar launched this January and is based in York with both the company name and logo inspired by the city.

The impacts of the pandemic have been extensive in property and construction with redundancy and staff spending months on furlough. But there are opportunities for construction and business in general to bounce back and thrive. Businesses and individuals will be looking to implement their expansion, move or property improvements in 2021. Providing support and guidance Construction and Property professionals can fuel the pandemic recovery.

Nathan Hughes, a Chartered Building Surveyor and Project Manager was responsible for the new teaching and resource centre at Archbishop Holgate’s School, an ambitious project that started in February and weathered the worst of the first wave of the virus to a successful completion for the new term in September.

This project proved that with the right approach construction can be managed successfully and safely through the hardest of circumstances. Nathan’s approach to be deeply engrained in the client’s project goals from the start is the basis of his new venture.

He says “understanding the true drivers and reason for taking on such a development is key. The only way I can add any value is to appreciate the client’s position, in this case a school during one of the most challenging years for them. There were many occasions where changes in guidance and closures lead to a whole scale review of our approach”.

Gate & Bar provide a wide range of Property and Construction Consulting services including Building Surveys, Project Management, Design and Health and Safety advice.